Small Goal, Big Results: 4 Benefits of Losing 10 Pounds

Lose 10 PoundsWhen it comes to weight loss resolutions, many of us set ourselves up for disappointment.

In January, losing 40 pounds by Memorial Day looks like a perfectly reasonable and attainable goal. We give it a shot, but by Valentine’s Day, we’re caring more about chocolate and less about looking good in a bathing suit.

What’s wrong with this picture? Well, instead of a big scary goal to lose 40 pounds or more, why not start with a smaller goal?

Letting go of only 10 pounds has huge benefits:

1.  Lower Blood Pressure and Heart Attack Risk:

Excess weight puts extra strain on your heart and circulatory system. Experts say that losing as little as 10 pounds can reduce heart attack risk by as much as 50%!

2.  Better Blood Sugar Control:

High blood sugar levels affect every organ in our body and gradually increase our risk for Type II diabetes and other diseases. As we become more aware of what we’re eating, it’s natural to let go of the sugary, high-glycemic foods that have little or no nutritional value.

3. More Energy:

Extra weight slows us down. After losing 10 pounds, people often notice that it’s easier to get up in the morning, it’s easier to fall asleep at night, and it’s easier to get through the day without feeling drained.

4. More Self-Confidence:

When I lost 10 pounds, I lost my little tummy and people noticed. People started telling me how good I looked. After this, the thought of losing the next 10 pounds isn’t scary anymore – it’s just the next step!

A small goal like losing 10 pounds really can have huge results. It can be a major step toward staying in control of your own heath for years to come.


Anita Kugler
Health and Wellness Coach